Thursday, May 04, 2006

new sidetalk and an uncharming sidewalk

I decided to add a sidetalk--it is located in the right column of this page. Titled "Bookshelf," this section will be updated every now and then to inform you about what I am reading, what I finished, and what I (do not) recommend. I'm sorry in advance if I give away things about the book, but I'll definitely try not to.

My landlord gave me a call today and left a message. She said that the neighbors complained about our unmowed lawn. Our neighbors?! I don't know why the fuck they would care about how our lawn looks, but according to my roommate apparently they complained last year as well--it reflects upon the image of the neighborhood, they argued. What a ridiculous thought. To think that a single lawn could make a neighborhood's image uncharming--who ever thought of such things? If you thought the lawn could have such disastrous effects, you should look at this house! Of all the beautifully renovated, colourful houses on this street, this one (that I live in) is shabby-looking, old, and its paint is peeling. Lawn? Lawn?? Good heavens, fuck the lawn. Burn the house!!

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