Sunday, June 11, 2006

I'm trying to pack.

Packing up a room is truly a difficult task. I've accumulated so much in four years, it's a huge pain the arse to go through everything and separate those things you want to keep with you as you move on, and those things you want to leave behind because they are useless or mean very little. Academic papers and photocopied articles that I used to keep will all go to recycling, all my furniture -- even my comfortable bed -- will be sold, and I will be leaving this room as of June 30. I suppose the best part of it all is, I'm making some money from it. I recently sold a quarter of my 'library' to a local second-hand bookstore, and they gave me $62 for it. Awesome. I still have about 30 books left, including one gigantic art history book, which might go for a good price. We'll see. I'm glad I'm starting now when I have an entire month to work at it little by little, because this would be such a stressful undertaking if I had left it till the last week.

All of my clothes are in order, I've got 2 big boxes of winter clothing and clothes to send home, plus a smaller box of photos and books. Whatever I make from selling furniture and books will go to their shipping costs, I'm sure. After sorting through, I've got 4 garbage bags full of clothing and clothing items that I no longer wear. A new wardrobe is in order when I go to Calgary at the end of July. For the rest of the month of July, I'll be living out of my suitcase, hopping around friends' places for the first week and then in Vanier for 2 weeks while I toil away at UBC band camp and starbucks. Oh boy.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Dude, packing sucks!!!! Gambatte, ouen shiteruzoyo!