Wednesday, August 02, 2006


So you see, when I don't have the luxury of a digital camera and wireless internet service, I lapse into a sort of laziness and I put off blogging. How horrible of me. Contrary to the apparent uneventfulness of my life (as proven by my lack of blogging) I have been going about my final days in Canada busily. Since my last entry I've worked at band camp, lived in student residence at UBC, flew to Cranbrook, spent a good week at Windermere where Meg's cabin is located, and then for the past few days I've been in Calgary, Alberta. On August 12 I'm off to Tokyo, Japan, where I settle in and get ready for my new job. So the past few weeks have been great fun, and I've enjoyed most of it. Now that it's past though, I don't feel like writing about it. Meh. Life goes on.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Girl, summers make bloggers run dry or something. I've been feeling uninspired as well. How're things at ASIJ? Let's chat on Skype sometime yeah? :) Miss ya!