Friday, October 06, 2006

AND Blogger Beta.

Ok yeah that took WAAY too long to reconfigure my entire set-up. Are you thinking of switching to Blogger Beta? It's kind of cool, actually, but if you're like me and you've played around with your blogsite a bit (i.e. html of template, etc.), then you're going to find it a bit nauseating to reconfigure everything you've done. The best way to go about it is if you keep the html-encoding source page of your original, and then refer back to it when you switch to Beta and reconfigure. Plus, I was bored so it definitely kept me busy for a few hours!

And you Vancouverites, you are lucky. Tokyo weather is at the moment The Shits. Two typhoons are attacking Japan at the moment and we are suffering from severe rain and wind. I am at school at the moment, long past my working hours, and was hoping the rain would subside. It doesn't look like it. Booerns.

Speaking of 'attacking', North Korea is threatening to run nuclear tests. They've already shot 7 missiles in our direction this summer, calling them 'tests'; I am not looking forward to a nuclear version of one of their so-called 'tests'.

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