Monday, October 16, 2006

I woke up late... around five to 8 this morning. Let it be known that I have to be at school at least by 8:15. Well, for starters that did not happen today. Like a 12th grade kid suffering from senioritis, I managed to slide in to my room just before the bell rang at 8:30am. Oops.

I have an excuse. I ate lots of turkey last night (check back for pictures), and then stayed up late finishing the first book to Kafka on the Shore. This means I have to go get the second book soon, before I forget what's happened in the first one. I'm thinking I'll go and trade my first book with the second, so I don't start accumulating things while I'm here.

On a totally different note but related to me almost being like a kid here... several reps from University of London were here today for a visit, and luckily I was able to catch the rep from King's. After having spoken to her it sounds like I'm just going to end up applying to two programmes at King's instead of one. When she first saw me she thought I was a senior student. I took it as a compliment at this age (22) but lately that's been happening often. People who don't know me or don't recognize me ask whether I can be helped, and they blush in embarrassment when I tell them I'm faculty. Good times. :)

Also had a nice swim today after practice, slightly aching at the moment from a fall in the women's locker room. Art history lecture tomorrow, that should be fun.

> John (athletic director) - Victoria represent! - and his UVic shirt.

> The reason for my monday-morning tardiness.

> Meagan, and host, Dan.

> Ed and baby posing.


Adrian said...

Hi Sohko,
You have the right to call me an idot... but what exactly are you up to in Tokyo again? Teaching something apparently?


mariko said...

WORD. i was just going to ask the same thing. what exactly are you up to in tokyo??? PRECISELY!!

Anonymous said...

Kafka on the Shore is great! I like that Hoshino character. That was the first Japanese book I had read in years, so I was relieve that I could even get through it :P