Monday, November 27, 2006

An early surprise!

I was eating some chicken noodle soup in hopes of improving my current throat condition, when two of my former volleyball girls came shyly walking into (and walking out, repeatedly) my room with grins and giggles. Their friend then explained for them that they have a birthday present for me, even though it is one day early!! It was so sweet of them!! Now that the picture is up, I can eat it :)


Anonymous said...

well then!! happy birthday sohko-san!!

syl said...

happy birthday hon! and yay for going to china :) sounds like a really neat trip - maybe someday i'll get there.

school is totally crazy. i wrote seventy-two cover letters over thanksgiving break.

take care of that poor throat of yours! i'm asymptomatic right now so don't worry about me :) lots of chikkin soup for you!