Sunday, November 12, 2006

My 4th JUMP.

Ex-ASIJ would understand what that means.

On Thursday and Friday I spent 2 days with 12 kids and another adult in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture (read: boonies). It was truly in the middle of nowhere, but still a lot of fun. Some highlights:
- We hiked the wrong mountain.
- I had possibly the best udon noodles in a small, 70 year-old restaurant located in the middle of the 'right' mountain.
- I almost had to call an ambulance for a kid suffering from an allergic reaction to cedar pollen.
- We made glass beads!
- And then we made our own soba, and ate it.

> View from the train to Chichibu.

> Japanese version of Stairmaster (aka Our Hike).

> Clean water!

> Lamune! See the marble?

> Indigo dye smells. Eww.

More pictures on my flickr page...

1 comment:

syl said...

goddamn, i miss food that even vaguely resembles asian food.

mmm.... udon...

- chris