Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy 2007!!

As the days pass by in the new year, I keep forgetting that it is now 2007. It always takes me a while to get used to writing the correct year.

Al flew in on the 29th, and we didn't manage to make it to Daniel's gig. Oh well. Since his arrival, we have visited a couple temples to take part in end-of-the-year/new-year festivities, and eat a whole bunch of things without feeling like throwing up. It's a good start. I don't think he's used to Japanese germs, though, and his constant sniffling is a case in point.

I hadn't been to Jindaiji in years. I can't remember when was the last time I had visited this neighborhood temple. We took a good bike ride down to Jindaiji on the 31st--ohh and it was COLD!!--and did the whole ordeal: walked through the gates, waved incense smoke on our heads, walked up to the shrine, threw in a couple 10 yen coins, clapped our hands twice, and bowed. Then we continued to walk through the temple, people-watching, mostly, and drank some tea while munching on some dango (small dumplings on skewers).

Tonnes of people were lined up at Ookuni-tama-jinja on New Year's Day to pray for health, success, and happiness in the coming 365 days. Many brought last year's charms to burn in a huge bonfire, and replace them with new ones appropriately fashioned for this year. In order to keep the sanpaisha (lit. "the pray-ers") happy while they waited in line, stands were lined up on each side to serve them warm beverages and food cooked on the spot. Al and I took part in this mass, and happy, consumerism by eating a plate of takoyaki. It was such gooey-goodness.

Today we are heading out to Shibuya to observe the so-famous Tokyo masses. Check back for pictures.

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