Wednesday, January 31, 2007

NEW - the fiasco artier

Completely out of pure boredom, I decided to create another blog completely devoted to academics. It is titled, the fiasco artier. There is not much to say about the title, but that it was a difficult decision made between it and "The Fiasco Rhyme-Riot Trio" and "The Fiesta Mayor Choir." The final call was made on the idea that the shorter it was, the better.

You see, a few posts ago I said something about giving U.S. history a second chance. If you know me at all, I despise U.S. history because it was so boring when I was forced to take it in high school. But when I opened the late AP U.S. history textbook, I realized that I have to take notes. I have this habit of not being able to learn unless I take notes, but I didn't want to take notes via handwriting, and I didn't want to bring my laptop to work everyday, so I decided to make it web-based and the logical conclusion was, of course, to create another blog. Don't know how long this one will last, but the last time I claimed that I wouldn't last 3 days, I proved myself wrong by continuing for almost a year, and besides, no one reads it anyway, so who cares. Additionally, this will come into good use when I start my thesis for my MSc.

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