Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In an effort to restructure my daily life..

I came up with a daily 'schedule' of sorts to keep myself busy in the immediate days after Al leaves Tokyo. In the past two months, my evenings and weekends were occupied, taking Al around, eating out, or just hanging around at home and watching a movie. With him leaving, however, it empties out my evenings and weekends, especially when I don't have any middle school basketball games to coach. Thus..
Mondays: 3-5 Afterschool help/Tutor; 5-7 Gym/Pool
Tuesdays: 3-5 Basketball; 5-6 Yoga
Wednesdays: 3-4 Tutor; 4-6 Girl's Soccer; 6-7 Pool
Thursdays: 3-5 Basketball; 5-6 Yoga
Fridays: 3-5 Basketball; 5-6 Gym
Saturdays: Morning Yoga

In addition, I plan on studying an hour of Spanish, an hour of economics, and an hour of IR every night--this should put me at around 10pm to go to bed. I think I'll start adding brown rice into my diet, more fruit, no junk. I also need to get back into practicing for my auditions again.

This should keep me busy for a while.

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