Saturday, March 24, 2007

Cream stew: the Japanese version

Best served on a hot bowl of rice, or if you prefer, a toasted piece of french bread. Stews and curries are relatively easy to make here, because the main ingredient--the sauce--comes prepackaged, and all you really have to do is cut up the veggies and meat. A simple recipe for cream stew, Japanese style, follows:

Ingredients - Serves 2
Half a box of stew sauce 'cubes'
1 small onion
Half a carrot
2 small potatoes
1 Chicken breast (or sliced pork, etc.), bite-sized
2.5 cups (500 cc) of water
0.5 cups (100 cc) of milk

1. Find the sauce packaging in an Asian food store (see photo).
2. Cut carrots, potatoes, onions, and a choice of meat.
3. Stir-fry carrots, potatoes, onions, then meat, in that order.
4. When potatoes are half-cooked, pour in water.
5. When potatoes are cooked, turn off heat, and throw in sauce cubes.
6. Let cubes dissolve, turn on the heat, and add milk.


Unknown said...

hi! thanks for sharing! Can you use beef in cream stew instead of chicken? Will that taste weird you think?


tova said...

No worries - and no, I don't think beef would taste weird. It's just a stronger-tasting meat, so it may just stand out a bit.