Friday, May 04, 2007

Magical musical theatre.

Tonight, I went to the school's musical. Whenever I see musicals, I get really excited and have an urgent desire to get involved. Of course, whenever I actually get myself involved, I cringe at the amount of work involved and wince when I realize that I've been talking out the lines to myself by the 4th or 5th run, or when every song gets stuck in my head. But when everything comes together, magic happens and I'm totally drawn in. It's cool.

The school's inauguratory musical performance was The Music Man. Unfortunately, this particular show has never been my all-time favorite. The plot is slow. The story is unoriginal. But what made me stay through the show was the barbershop quartet. Hands down, it was the best part of the show. And the kids were all great - it's just that a different show would've pulled off a bigger party in such an awesome facility.

Still. Pretty good. And I miss playing musicals!

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