Friday, May 25, 2007

Nature Galore: Home Sweet Home

> On our way to Izu.
The truth is, I felt more at home in Izu in the past week than I have in Tokyo all year long. So green, so much nature, such clean air, and oh my, the ocean!! The fact that I had no access to any internet technology actually made it that much more enjoyable.

The so-called "Extended Campus Trip" for the 7th grade used to take place on Miyake Island, one of the smaller islands of the Izu group, directly south of Honshu. My class went to Miyake and I've always remembered to be good times. Unfortunately, its active volcano blew up in 2000, so the 7th grade trip had to be relocated. It was relocated to the tip of the Izu peninsula, in our neighboring Shizuoka prefecture. The week was almost like being back in Vancouver.

So we started on our 4-hour drive to Izu...> A great view of Mount Fuji.

> The allegedly famous spiral bridge.

> Roll those windows down, it's the ocean!!

We arrived on the Yumigahama coast four hours later, welcomed by wonderfully hot weather. Our afternoon activities began - I was assigned to snorkeling. Unfortunately, I dropped my disposable 300 yen camera in the water on my second day while kayaking (more later), so I have no photos of me in the stupid wetsuit and gianormous snorkels.
> The great view from my cabin balcony.

> L to R: Chris Olson and Ben Seevers ('04?) The rest of the 'young' crowd consisted of Laura, John, and Josh. We had too much fun.

Throughout the week, we were all assigned to different activities, through which the 60 kids were rotated through. We snorkeled, recorded tide pool organisms, pressed algae, collected shells, ate stupidly juicy hamburgers, hiked, kayaked, swam with dolphins, and got the low-down on 7th grade gossip. The aforementioned 'young' crowd couldn't believe we were getting paid for this.
> Clear water on a sandy beach collecting shells and algae. Could I really ask for anything more?

> On our third night, we built sand castles in the dark. Our group buried Jeremy and made him into a mermaid. This is us trying to get him out. He was eventually dug out.

> At the aquarium. On our fourth day, I went and swam with dolphins with the kids. Some freaked out but most loved the experience. To me this was waaaay too cool. I took some underwater photos as well - to be uploaded later.

> There were about 7 bottle-nosed dolphins that swam with us.

> The 'Trust' Hike: blindfolded and hiking kids. I was responsible for keeping them from falling off the trail. Come to think of it, what a liability.

> The view from the top, at the end of the hike. Yes, I couldn't get enough of the blue ocean!

> Yumigahama beach, the hangout spot.

> The campfire on the beach on the last night. I had my first smores. Needless to say, the kids did not sleep very early this night.

All in all, it was a great week. I even got a tan, apparently. And I wasn't even eaten up by mosquitoes, which is surprising. These final weeks of school will either fly by, or drone on because I'm back stuck in a windowless room. Come summer, come!!

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