Saturday, June 09, 2007

Lack of foresight..

I should've seen this coming a long whiles back. What was I thinking? Talk about ignoring foreshadowings.

What I realized: These final weeks in Japan are all about saying good-bye.

Today was high school graduation. This means good-bye to seniors, some of whom I really got to know, and who truly made my year here worthwhile.
Next week is the final week of school. This means good-bye to all the people that I've worked with this year.
Next month is my final month in Japan, at least for a while. This means good-bye to my family, my parents, and those few friends who are staying here. Who knows when I'll be coming back here next.

I'm so sick of leaving. I tried so hard to think about the 'going' part of my August departure, and not look at the 'leaving' part. So stupid.

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