Saturday, June 16, 2007


These past couple of weeks have been full of parties, at which I think I've said 'good-bye' a bazillion times to the same people. It made the last ones, which took place on the last day of school (15th), that much harder to say.

The ultimate party took place on Thursday night, at a very nice Chinese establishment in Kichijoji. Food was great, the wine (and other alcoholic beverages) flowed continuously, pictures were taken, history was reflected upon, and it was followed by a karaoke party that was also quite entertaining. The culminating moment for me, however, was when one of the teachers came up to me, pulled me aside, and told me she had something to ask me. I slid next to her in wonder of what she might have to ask that would require a semi-private conversation.

She started by saying how her and her husband were thinking of adopting a female baby in the coming months. This introduction left me confused, but only briefly, as she quickly divulged her point: "We wanted to see if it was alright with you that we give her your name. I mean, if she's young enough."

While I good-naturedly asked a few questions about the adoption process, my mind was completely blank. I was shocked - life having been what it was for the past few months - that anyone would even think about giving my name to another life. I mean, what's in a name, really? Nothing all that much, so I don't mean to make a big deal of this. Yet, while I fail to remember exactly her words, and can only recall how I had felt in the moment, her reasons were rather flattering and I was actually quite overjoyed, and genuinely touched. The request had taken me by a great surprise.

I guess she (the baby) will have to suffer the life-long bastardization of her name, and will have to repeatedly coach strangers how to pronounce her name, and to find creative ways to get them to remember her name. Oh well. At least she won't be the only one.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

That's a pretty big deal jyan? You must be a really special person for this couple. Sugeee~