Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Crusing through Izu

> Reina and Fei trying to figure out the navigation system.

I am happiest when I'm in the countryside - I confirmed this while driving through the Izu area with Reina and Fei yesterday. I was reminded of Canada and felt, again, how much I miss it.

Very little was planned for this drive and I actually didn't really know where we were going. But it didn't matter because in less than 2 hours there were green trees and hills and rice patties extended, far beyond my viewable horizon. Our first stop was at Atami, a popular beach town in the summers for the Kanto Japanese. When we hopped off our rented car we felt a lashing whip of heat and humidity; if it were a bit hotter and sunnier it would've been great beach weather. Yet, Monday noons in early-July aren't considered a part of summer, so it was completely empty. Unfortunately this also meant that many of the stores and restaurants weren't open. But, we didn't fail to treat ourselves to an outstanding lunch!

> The Atami beach.

> Our lunch!

> Reina and Fei enjoying their post-lunch, chilled green tea.

> On our way towards Shuzenji.

A very Japanese landscape.<

We continued on towards Shuzenji, a small onsen town located more inland, and was thus a lot cooler. On our way we stopped at a winery, built on top of a hill. The uber-European establishment literally appeared out of nowhere as we veered right from the asphalt pathway and through the grape fields. We even had some wine to taste - yes, we were enjoying our rather mature and elegant cruise!

> Still on our way to the winery.

> The winery.

> Fei and I and the grapefields.

> Reina and Fei tasting some good wine!

Shuzenji was a small town full of character. Again, being low-season, there were very few tourists around, save the one or two bus tours full of grannies. It was, incidentally, the town's 1200th anniversary, and the town's subtly closed establishments seemed as if they were charging up their energy for its upcoming high-season. We wandered through the town and our two highlights were the delicious Japanese desserts we got our hands on, and the ashi-yu - a small, hot-spring pool where you sit and dip your feet (only). Reina, who apparently was talking about ashiyu's all week, had her wish come true! Our final stop was at a relatively random waterfall that was 5 minutes' drive from Shuzenji.

> Successful group picture using the timer function.

> We love trees.

> Shuzenji temple

> Fei and her dessert.

> Our feet in the ashiyu.

> Us and Asahi-dake.

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