Thursday, July 19, 2007

Feast @ Chinatown

> Our lunch.

Despite what you may think, we finished this rather large meal between the three of us. The dessert was a bit of a downer, but otherwise, the food was fantastic. Especially the sweet and sour pork. Yum.

On a totally different topic, two Japanese absurdities of note:
  1. In my Japanese (synonymous for 'overtly polite' and 'conservative'?) telemarketing office in the middle of Tokyo, an A4-sized, handmade poster of Jack Sparrow with the words "FUCK YOU" written in capital block lettering.

  2. Around 11pm, on one of the most centrally located and no doubt, one of the busiest roads in Tokyo (Route 246), a man in his twenties driving his moped while reading a comic book.
Crazy. Just crazy.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

酢豚いいねー。You know what's a downer? You go to most any average Chinese restaurant in the US, and order "sweet and sour pork", you get deep fried pork with maybe a couple pieces of onions or peppers, and the sweet and sour sauce on the side. No, the pork isn't drenched and then simmered with the sauce to make it a sticky concoction, it's just this runny pink stuff you pour on the cooked pork yourself. A real bummer. Recently found one place in Pittsburgh that does it right, though -- Silk Pagoda in Greenfield. Nice.