Thursday, August 02, 2007

Good god!

Oh my god it's August!
Oh my god I've only got four days left!

That is all.

1 comment:

elise said...

Hello Alba,

I´m replying to your post on Realtravel about travelling alone through Peru. It´s fine and lots of girls do it, just keep the following things in mind:

* Watch your things always, and whenever your bus makes a stop, it is a good idea to check someone isn´t taking your bag out of the storage at the bottom as well ¨by accident¨.
* Same goes for handluggage, keep your eyes and hands on it, and don´t be distracted.
* Travelling by day is recommendable on many of the routes you are doing, especially around Puno & Cusco. Whether you travel by day or night, don´t choose the cheapest bus ever, and ask for advice to a local if possible.

I live in Cusco so if you need more info or even want to meet up when you´re here, give me a shout on my blog:

Most importantly, enjoy!
