Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Memoirs of Loner Traveler: Conclusion?

Note to self: don't travel to a country you've never been to and whose language you don't speak fluently totally alone because it's not really all that fun. It's good to have travel company, especially if a magnitude 8 earthquake happens to hit you with its epicenter less than 20 miles away from where you're staying.

However, surviving what I did made every other problem in life seem stupid. I feel stronger, and I surprised myself for all the decisions I made down in Peru, instantaneous ones. At least now I can sit back and relax, and read and be peaceful.

Transitioning back into modern society was somewhat awkward. The new Macbook and iPod Nano is awesome and I love it. But, the paved roads, the un-crumbled brick buildings, the relatively low crime rate, the smell of grass and not poo, packaged fruits and accessible internet and the huge library, all seem too perfect and somehow unfair. The world, I feel now more intensely than ever, is so divided, and neither side of the division line know what life's really like on the 'other' side. It's sad.

Hopefully all these experiences will come in handy once I start studying all about it in the academic sphere.

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