Thursday, August 09, 2007

Memoirs of a Loner Traveler: Cusco, Peru (II)

The altitude hasn´t hit me as bad as I expected, although I suppose I did sleep most of the day off yesterday. I am only reminded of the substantial altitude of this place on two occasions: one, when I wake up in the morning to find myself with an annoying headache, and two, when I am climbing stairs and I´m panting madly after just a few steps. The headache was thankfully solved by a dose of Advil, so that was nothing to worry about. Otherwise, everything - healthwise - has been great.

I suppose that if I had more companions with me I would go out and venture into Cusco´s cuisine; however, I couldn´t find that energy today and thus resorted to a pack of peach juice, three apples, and a noodle bowl.

The reason for my fatigue today was a horse. I, for the first time in my life, rode a horse today and it was much fun! We trotted out to Tambomachay and Pukapukara, both of which are Incan ruins on the outskirts of Cusco, and are apparently pretty similar to Machu Picchu. I had a passing glace at Saqsaywaman on the way back, but was much too tired by then to hike that as well.

Tomorrow: off to Puno!

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