Sunday, August 12, 2007

Memoirs of a Loner Traveler: Puno/Arequipa, Peru

So I thought that the altitude wasn´t getting to me much, but it hit me a lot harder once I arrived in Puno, located at 3800m above sea level. I got tired really easily, and definitely lost my appetite - all I could swallow was a piece of bread. On my second day in Puno, I met up with my friend Aya who was also getting pretty sick of the altitude. Once we felt a bit better, we ventured out on a tour of the floating islands of Uros located on Lake Titcaca (at this point probably reaching near 4000m above sea level). The sights there were pretty amazing.

The same night, I hopped onto a bus to take me 6 hours away from Puno - and thank goodness, to a lower altitude - to Arequipa, which is where I am at the moment. I couldn´t sleep on the bus despite its 22:00 departure, due to a massively snoring man to the left and an eternally coughing youth right behind me, plus the movie Departed being played twice around, the speakers right above my head. So at the moment, I am very tired and sleepy, but am glad that I got a full meal for the first time in days since arriving in Peru.

Tomorrow I am off early in the morning for a tour of the Colca Canyon, from which I return early in the evening on the 14th, and then I am off to Ica.


Anonymous said...

Yappari south america ikuto iro iro arune. I know what it's like to ride on those buses. Most of the buses in venezuela had wholes on the floor so you can see the great view of the road :) Maaa demo I'm glad you have company and getting some food in your stomach.

Unknown said...

Hey... Hope everything is going well down there. Please post soon and let us know how you're doing!