Friday, August 31, 2007

Ontario: Yours to Discover

And it certainly has been mine to discover, with the help of my good friend Alicia who drives me around to places and shows me boats and takes me to great restaurants.

In truth, I really love this small, quaint town of St Catharines. It has so much character on its own and is so peaceful and quiet - totally different from the loud and busy streets of Tokyo. Furthermore, Alicia's company has been therapeutic, to the extent that I feel so much better about where I am in life and who I am, and am grateful for the awesome friendships that make my life the wonder and beauty that it is.

Niagara Falls (picture above) was also a great time. I wandered through this casino-town built on the shores of one of the world's greatest natural wonders, thinking about how sad it is that such a natural beauty has to be accompanied by an unrestrained form of commercialism and hedonism. I myself could literally sit on the look-out dock and watch the Falls for hours on end, breathing in air that is actually more oxygen than carbon monoxide, feeling the mist of the waters from afar (and this you actually can) and listening to the echoes of roaring, powerful waters.

And now, after having finished an entire bottle of wine with Alicia and having thai curry at a local bar restaurant, I am, for the first time in a few months, totally tipsy and it feels great. But not it is time to go to bed. So much for my brief moments of intoxication.

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