Saturday, November 03, 2007

Settled? Settling

The fact that it’s been ages since the last time I updated this blog should be a telling proof of how busy I’ve been. I can positively say that within the last two weeks I’ve devolved into a geeky hermit who’s already checked out 20 books from the library, and has spent at least £10 printing articles in the computer lab. This is probably more indicative of how not to spend your entire year in London than anything else.

Nonetheless, no one can really deny the keen mood that constantly hangs in the air. Such a mood drove a good handful of students to pack a sleeping bag and stand in line (since what obscene hour, god only knows) in the Old Building in order to obtain tickets to see Alan Greenspan talk. It has also consistently driven half the population at the LSE to step into the aesthetically appealing, yet funnily dysfunctional library at least once a day, and driven the other half to resist (deny?) any urge to go near it, let alone lay hands on a book in its shelves. Last week, it also drove a large majority of students who wanted to book a seat for the International Organizations’ Day to overload the school’s network system so much that it caused it to shut down for an entire afternoon. The list continues.

What exactly have I been doing? I have classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and have had two presentations to prepare for within the last two weeks. I have two essays due this Friday (week 5). I play for the LSE women’s basketball team, and I work a double-shift, waitressing, every Friday. I’ve also been to the Barbican to see the London Symphony Orchestra perform Mozart’s Requiem, and spent an afternoon at the Borough Market, browsing through and tasting every kind of cheese imaginable with an old friend from grade school. I’ve taken part in the “G4 Summit” @ George IV Pub on Wednesday afternoons, finally stepped into the LSE Gym, taken advantage of 90p lattes at the Garrick on early mornings, and have indulged (twice) in a breakfast a la British at The Shakespeare’s Head. Sure, I haven’t exactly been plastered every night, nor have I basked in glory in the pub quizzes at the 3Tunnes. But I’ve managed to carve out for myself a piece of the London Experience. A few hiccups here and there, but all in all it’s been fairly alright thus far.

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