Sunday, June 18, 2006

Enticing body art. POLL

So I've got a question for you. Should I get a tattoo? The basic design would look like this:


Should I get a tattoo?
Go for it! (move on to next question)
Fuck no.

Around upper arm (i.e. arm band).
Side of arm, up-down.
Around upper thigh (i.e. thigh band).
Side of thigh, up-down.
Upper back.
Lower back (but not 'slut stamp' area).

Further comments?

Thanks for your input. If you have found other pictures of designs, patterns, or motifs you think could make a nice tattoo, feel free to post it in the comments or email them directly to me.


Anonymous said...

Name: Reina
Should I get a tattoo? Go for it! (move on to next question)
Where? Upper back.
Further comments? upper back - closer to the shoulder area. Behind the clavicle kana.

Anonymous said...

Name: Lo
Should I get a tattoo? Fuck no.
Further comments? I got a tattoo 5 years ago. I've been sick of it for 4 years. It's mostly that it's a reminder of who I was then, in a volatile and unhappy period of my life.

Anonymous said...

Name: Ess Jee
Should I get a tattoo? Go for it! (move on to next question)
Where? Upper back.
Further comments?

Anonymous said...

Name: Fei
Should I get a tattoo? Go for it! (move on to next question)
Where? Upper back.
Further comments? Also consider the job market you'll be going for. Perhaps have it in a place that won't be too visible if you're going to be working for some big shot firm, etc.

If you do get it, do send a pic!

...and I miss talking to you!

Anonymous said...

Name: Adriano
Should I get a tattoo? Go for it! (move on to next question)
Where? Around upper arm.
Further comments? If it doesn't kill you it'll only make you stronger

Anonymous said...

Name: Meghan
Should I get a tattoo? Go for it! (move on to next question)
Where? Upper back.
Further comments? i think something like that would lok great on the back of your shoulder, or on your arm, or even your ankle

Anonymous said...

Name: Vanessa
Should I get a tattoo? Go for it! (move on to next question)
Where? Around upper thigh.
Further comments?

Anonymous said...

1. Go for it!
2. Upper arm.

There's no way in hell I'd get a tattoo myself, and a lot of tattoos I think look like shit, but on the other hand I think that's a nice design and would look good on you. As far as work considerations: if they have a problem with a tattoo like that, you need to find a better employer anyways. My 二円。

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Name: Chris!!!!
Should I get a tattoo? Go for it! (move on to next question)
Where? Side of arm, up-down.
Further comments? I like it!!!!!!!!

Emmy said...

Girl. Just do it. It'd look so hot.

Anonymous said...

Name: emmy
Should I get a tattoo? Go for it! (move on to next question)
Where? Upper back.
Further comments? I think the design is really you. Niau to omouyo. What color were you thinking? And if you do it on your back, as I suggest, I think you should do it on one of your shoulder blades atari on a little burther up. But if you do lower back, you should do domananaka. Hehe. Man, you'd look so hot if you got it!

Anonymous said...

Name: anone
Should I get a tattoo? Fuck no.
Where? Around upper thigh.
Further comments?