Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So much for my resolution..

A couple days ago I ventured out to Kits beach with my friend Katherine. While I was putting on my bikini, I realized that the bottoms no longer fit me--it was way too big. I only bought it last summer, too, and having really liked the design, I was kind of bummed. But of course, I couldn't possibly survive the rest of summer with a bikini bottom that basically sagged from my hips. So I stopped by American Apparel on 4th avenue today, and found a nice bathing suit for a reasonable price of $70 (damn PST's..). The people there, like at most other clothing companies, are dressed in their own company's clothes, and boy do they look funky. 'Funk', I think, is the best way to describe AA. One-tone colors, simple designs, and yet at the same time slightly retaining a hint of the 80's. So simple and yet...so expensive! A regular cotton T-shirt for $30...but you see, it is alright, because they are completely void of any sweatshop production, much like lululemon athletica. I will indulge in lululemon when I get to Calgary.


Myrea said...

I have never seen clothes/outfits by American Apparel in Italy. I know about this brand because I read an article in a magazine.
Anyway, is it true that there are controversies about this brand?

Emmy said...

Naaani sa! You lost weight and have to buy a swimsuit nante ureshii happening janaika! Forget your resolution, celebrate! Woot!