Saturday, July 01, 2006

Valdez 1

Valdez Island is one of the many Gulf Islands located off the coast of Victoria of Vancouver Island. My friend Jess and her family own a cabin there, and have kindly invited me out for Canada Day weekend. It is also probably the last time I'll get to spend time with Jess for a long while to come. So here I am, in Victoria, on Jess's bed, the night before we depart for Valdez.

Going to Valdez is a bit of a trip, as early tomorrow morning we will be taking the ferry to Galliano Island, driving down its entire length to catch a water taxi that will take us out to an otherwise inaccessible land mass. As far as I know the island is fairly small, and there are no B&B's or resorts--only private cabins. Both of Jess's parents turn 50 this year, so they are having a huge feast to celebrate. From what I've heard, it consists of crabs, prawns, mussels, casseroles, salads, to name only a few selection of dishes--an "unprecedented feast," as it has been described. Such is a pretty exciting event to look forward to. The day itself will be spent swimming in crystal clear ocean water (apparently cold but not unmanageable), reading, sun bathing, etc. etc. Photos will be taken and yes, this will be a good weekend.

1 comment:

Myrea said...

Non avevo sentito parlare di quest'isola. Did you have a nice weekend?