Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Coaching is...

HARD!!! So diffcult!!

Well, no, now I'm just being dramatic. It's a lot of work is what it is and communicating matters of physical movement is, as expected, difficult. Furthermore, matters of mental state are also difficult to convey. Volleyball isn't some sport where you can stand around and not move; it's no weak sport, truly. You have to throw yourself out there, and work your butt off. There's an additional difficulty if you're not tall. Like basketball, unfortunately volleyball is a sport that discriminates against us Tiny People. Blocking is out of the question--if you're short you ain't blocking, you're digging. And even if you're short, if you can jump that's great, but you really have to jump. But it can still be fun for everyone, so long as everyone understands the important roles people can and must play on the team.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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