Thursday, September 07, 2006

Slow days..

This is a picture taken in Stanley Park, Vancouver. The duckling seemed curious of the camera as it came charging at it.

Things in Tokyo have generally been slow. The weather is cooling off--this is a very good thing, as the heat mid-summer here is unbearable. The students are starting to settle into their daily routines, as am I. I don't have much to do just yet, as the kids haven't been assigned too much stuff and they have yet to write their first essay of the year. Once those come in I'm sure some will start asking for aid.

I researched a bit about my trip to South America next summer. Only the middle leg of it, actually--from Calama, Chile, to Cusco, Peru. We are trying to book the Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu at the moment, as I hear that those get booked up pretty quick. Allegedly there are tons of things to be done in Bolivia, and a substantial amount of time will be spent in Chile as well, so Al's figuring out the details to those parts of the trip.

Going to Hong Kong in a few weeks, so that should be fun. The high school choir is going there to participate in a festival. It will be nice to see Hong Kong again. Expect pictures and updates.

1 comment:

Myrea said...

How cute! Che carino!