Thursday, October 26, 2006

(T T)

My eyes hurt. Left my classroom at lunch break to retreat to a corner of the bathroom, trying to stay quiet, and then I wasn't hungry. The food was dry in my mouth, it felt like swallowing balls of sand. The spanish teacher found me in the corner of the faculty room and tried to cheer me up by talking in Spanish. "Como estas?" Later, a student caught me with a frown and bulging red eyes in my room, came over and gave me a hug.

Arguments. A clash of opinions, emotions, fatigue, weariness; in its ceasefires I have little desire to eat or move or think, and all I want to do is sleep. But arguments are no abnormal phenomena--what did you expect, you're thousands of miles apart and you're reading words off a screen, a sheet of paper, no matter the medium. How is less words a solution? How is less words in lower frequency a solution?

I spent days and weeks trying to smile, forcing it out when I can, no complaints, focusing on the good's and ignoring the bad's for the time being. Don't talk about the bad's and just talk about the good's. And now I am exhausted, confused, and hurt.

Thus, like any other, the beginning of an end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sweetie - sorry things are rough. *hugs* i feel the same way sometimes, only i don't even have real arguments, i don't really fight back - i just kind of swallow things and try and hold out for some mythical better time. not recommended ;)

anyway. i'm sorry things are hard; i hope things get better. hang in there.

- chris