Wednesday, November 29, 2006

One year older.

My 23rd birthday turned out to be a pretty good day, breaking the record of 16 consecutive, horrible November 28th's. It's not that I've had bad birthdays persay; my 'birthday' was often celebrated days after or days before due to bad timing. But it just so happened to be that every November 28th's for the past 16 or so years have just been 'bad' days. You know--gross weather, cranky people, frustrating job/work, unnecessary insults, topped by the lack of any celebration either amongst friends or on my own, alone. This year, it was different: surprise celebration by the English and Social Studies teachers; a slice of cake the day before presented by two awesome kids; dinner with a friend; and of course the boyfriend, albeit thousands of miles away, who sends me a paint file of confetti, complete with two dancing figures and a missing 'h' in "birthday."

So, in light of a good day coincidentally on my birthday, my resolution for my year 23 is to recognize and appreciate the good things that I have in life, sometimes.


syl said...

Al drew that?! that's soooo cute! awwww!

happy birthday again! i'm glad you had a good one this time.

Adrian said...

HAHAHAHAH! Alastair, you are never gonna live that down! Sohko you are pure evil for posting that image.

Adrian ~

PS - Happy Birthday!