Wednesday, January 10, 2007

LSE vs. SOAS vs. KCL

Now, the Big Question.

I realize, first off, that it is an enormous privilege to be able to think, "LSE, SOAS, or KCL?" I wasn't expecting to face this situation so I am definitely not prepared to decide...just yet.

My former high school teacher, an LSE alum, says, "Definitely LSE. Not only is it a great school, its brand name will take you far along. Sure, we're stuck up but we have reasons to be. After all, 56 of the world's presidents are all LSE alums." That's great. Another teacher, a SOAS alum, says, "SOAS. No question. LSE's a great school, but for what you're looking to study, I think SOAS is your school." And KCL has a famous department, that of War Studies. The one and only of its kind in the UK.

Ok, so here are the hard facts:
LSE: 12,936 pounds sterling for the MSc Global Politics programme. A bit on the expensive side for me, but I suppose it is a price to pay for the quality education and the brand name. Bigger school, more people. Very probably elitist, but like Bapi says, I suppose they have every reason to be. The programme itself is fairly broad. A very thorough and comprehensive overview of how global politics function. Possible courses include Ethnic Diversity and International Society, Institutions and the Global Environment, Globalization and Democracy, National and Ethnic Conflict Resolution.

SOAS: 10,450 pounds sterling for the MA International Studies and Diplomacy programme. Originally my first choice. The least expensive of the three. I hear they are more laid back than the rest of the University of London colleges, and it is substantially smaller than the other two. The particular programme is diplomacy-heavy, with a practical element to it that the other two lack. Also, in addition to a course on general diplomatic practices, my course includes a whole unit on international law, and the international politics of Asia. But then, I do read a lot of people slandering SOAS for a lack of freedom of expression... which is interesting for its unaccountability, but this could be highly problematic for a person who hates having her freedom restricted.

KCL: 11,000 pounds sterling for the MA International Peace and Security programme. Didn't think I would get into this one, but what the hell, I did. Not as expensive as LSE but more expensive than SOAS. Lack of residence halls that I like. The programme itself is focused on the functions of international law in preventing conflicts and securing peace. There is an optional course on the proliferation of weapons, or diplomacy, along with several others of interest. The key is that KCL's Department of War Studies is the best of its kind in all of UK. I like how this one combines law and politics, whereas LSE doesn't seem much.



Amrita Johri said...

so whas the verdict?
in a similar predicament!
got thru SOAS- ISD
SOas Violence conflict and Development &
LSE- Comparative politics (democracy) !


tova said...

Good to know there are ppl out there also totally stuck!! I don't know. I'm leaning towards LSE, but...

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the hat trick of colleges. Hope that you are giving the poser a hard time.