Monday, January 15, 2007

STILL Undecided.

I think I've managed to slice off KCL for the time being. I am concentrated on LSE and SOAS. At the very moment I could care less which one I go to; I was leaning towards LSE all day but then I know that the programme at SOAS is pretty near-perfect to what I'm looking for. And they say that SOAS is famous in the IR/politics sphere espeically if you are working in Asia or Africa. Sigh. This seems like it is getting no where!

On a different note, I am currently working on putting together an event called Mustang Splash!! It is a charity swim meet hosted by our Varsity Swim Team, and it's also my very first event in which I play full facilitator. Quite exciting. Registration forms have been made and are waiting to be passed out, promo-team is on their way, a venue map completed, and most of the event has been planned out to the details. Good stuff. I've missed doing this.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Hi Sohko,
Thanks for the note. Well to be perfectly honest, I am not qualified to help you decide... I can tell you that for someone outside of the field, LSE has the nicest 'ring' to it. But you already know that!
