Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Master of Social Science, Global Politics

So I finally went against my initial desire to go to SOAS.

It wasn't an easy decision. In fact, it was probably the most difficult decision I've had to make in a while. The money factor is still nudging my on my side, reminding me how expensive the programme is. But, after all, it is an investment. A Masters of Social Science degree in Global Politics will hopefully take me further and open up a lot more options in my future than a Masters of Arts degree in International Studies and Diplomacy. Being a bigger school, it will provide me with ample opportunities to meet people and make connections. I would get a taste of academia and it would also allow me to pursue a postdoctorate later on in a similar field if I so desired, whereas SOAS' MA degree doesn't have a PhD option.

Congratulations me for deciding. Finally.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Congrats Sohko. If I stay in England we are gonna have a blast... and if I don't, you will have a very boring year. haha.