Thursday, March 15, 2007

Now, the sunshine of my days here..

My 7th grade girl's basketball team!

Sorry, I've been meaning to write something here for a week but I just don't have anything to write about. I have yet to introduce to you the girls I coach, so here it is..

The girls arrived at the first practice fully pumped; understandably, as they had just finished two days of their first-ever try-outs. I don't think there was much drama, but I could've cared less anyway, considering you have to draw the line somewhere! And boy, were they excited, because they ALL came in with a new pair of basketball shoes. I was so impressed, both by their spirit, their enthusiasm, and their quality shoes.

They are just beginning to learn the game: how screens/picks work, how to shoot with the left, how to play their position, how to handle the ball... all the necessary basics of basketball. It is so much fun to show them how it works, although sometimes frustrated, because you just have to keep telling them over and over and over again. This team stands right on the fence, however. The 8th grade team is fully serious, and their coach is getting them ready for high school basketball; the C-team, on the other hand, are drilling the basics and the coaches make sure it is enjoyable. My team sits between these two extremes; some girls are ready to work their butts off, and others, still unsure about their personal potential as a basketball player. Plus, they are still 7th graders at the end of the day, and can be airy and unfocused at times. I tell myself it is all about trying to strike a balance.

In other aspects of life general, I'm preparing for a 6-class module on terrorism that begins after spring break, in April. Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, will be visiting the school next Thursday because his wife is an alum of this school. So, more to come on that later.

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