Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Slightly @ unease.

Last night, it was broadcasted in Japan that 1 of the 2 Japanese kidnapped in Paraguay at the beginning of the month was released. This supposedly 'new' group that conducted the kidnapping consists of 20 to 25 people, mostly Paraguayan, some Brazilian and Argentinian, and are in their 20s and 30s. The recent kidnap wasn't their first; most of them sustain criminal records that name burglary and murder as some of their committed crimes. The police in Paraguay have apparently identified some of the members of the suspected group, but have not released their motives for the kidnap, other than their demand of a $750,000 ransom (which started at a measly $300 but hiked up subsequently).

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA), there have been developments towards kidnapping foreigners for a ransom on some occasions; however the recent kidnap was the first of its kind that has actually affected the Japanese. There is even a wicked case of a Japanese man targeting young Japanese backpackers, inviting them to stay a night with him in a dorm room of a hostel to cut back on lodge costs. When the backpackers are gone on a day trip or while they are taking a shower, this man steals their cash and leaves before the travelers return. What a jackass!

This is slightly worrisome. I am flying to Peru in August, and while it clearly states that touristy areas such as Cusco and Machu Picchu are fairly unaffected by terrorist threats and drug-related criminal activity, visitors should still maintain high alert at all times, and be careful not to leave personal belongings unattended, and avoid traveling in cabs at night, especially if you are alone. I am worried, however, of Al who is traveling through Chile, Bolivia, and to Peru in July. The last thing I need is either of us getting kidnapped in South America. I shall keep an eye out for other 'dangers' relevant to my travels.

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